Tengkyu buat sodara Rip666 yang udah mau ngoper award nya ke saya. sorry nih baru di kerjain sekarang karena berbagai kendala dan halangan(lebay mode on).
langsung aja deh nih dia 2 award nya....
First: Blogger Award Friendship
The rules are:
1. Place the logo / banner on your blog.
2. Add a link to the blog who gave the award.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to the blogs that you have nominated.
5. Let them know by leaving a message (shout) on their blogs.
Second: Smart Blogger Award
The rules:
1. Link the one who gave this award and let them know you posted it.
2. Pass this to as many Smart Bloggers as you can think and make sure to write something about them, like what makes you think they are Smart.
3. Let them know they have an Award.
ok klo gitu award ini akan saya oper buat sobat blogger tercinta saya ceritaeka selamat mengerjakan ya hehehehe.
2 Award From RIP666
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hehehe thanks ya dah di kerjain hohoho
sama2 bro
moso ambil sendiri ?
hiks itu sich namanya bukan award yang didapat dengan suka cita...
tapiii.... ;)
Selamat ya.....
ok klo gitu saya edit dulu ah hihihi
@ Coy
tengkyu bro
hehehehe wah lagi musim bgi-bagi award ya heheh
Maaaaak..., maksud saya tuch sampeyan mesti pilih beberapa blog.. ternyata editannya... oh ! :D
Thank u so much anyway sobat !!
Pasti akan saya laksanakan PR.nya dengan semangat di saat yang tepat ;)
Aloow, saya mampir cuma mau bilang :
CONRATZ u get an award :)
please take it here :
puas gue kasih PR lagi haaa ? ;) hehehe